
Showing posts from May, 2018


        TRUE CRIME 1999 Synopsis: Journalist Steve Evarett has been sober for two months but things are still going badly.Steve's marriage to Barbaba is barely holding together and his editor hate him, since Steve has been having affair with his wife Cast :Frank Beachum, Bob Findley,Steve Everett Written by: Larry Gross, Paul Brickman, Stephen Schiff Director: Clint Eastwood  Everett's personal life is a mess. His wife Barbara found out that he cheated when she married him, but thought it was only her. Now they have a young daughter and Everett seems too busy to be a good father . Everett's also a little shaky , he was a drunk until two month ago , when he graduated to recovering alcoholic . He assigned to write routine story about last hours of a man on Death Row . Frank Beachum convicted of the shooting death of a pregnant clerk in convenience. Both city editor and chief editor know that Everett is a hotshot wit habit of turning routine sto...
                             💌💌💌LOVE LOVE LOVE💌💌💌                                               What is the meaning of Love?                         Ooooooh Love is something that you feel                         in your heart and is unexplainable..........                         Ooooooh sometimes Love can control you.                                     Don't allow Love to make you a fool.                                  ...

Mother of the Nation

z Name: Nsuku Tintswalo Surname:Rikhotso Student number:218134076 Subject name:News reporting Name of lecture:Sholain Govender Bateman Topic: Blogger   THE BRAVE WOMAN IN SOUTH AFRICA ''WISH ALL WOMAN WERE LIKE HER'' THE WOMAN WHO FOUGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM. Today we are free to do anything that we want to do at our own time because of her, indeed she is the mother of the Nation. You play a big role in our lives. Nonzamo Winifred Zanyiwe Madikizela a xhosa woman born on the 26 of September 1936 in the village called Bizana in Eastern Cape , she was the fourth of the nine children in Mr Columbus Madikizela and Mrs Gertrude Madikizaela . She has studied social work in Johannesburg at Jan Hofmeyr school of social work . She got a degree of social work in 1956 and she got the bachelor's of degree of International relation from University of the Witwatersrand . The first job of Nonzamo was as                      ...